Tuesday, 5 September 2017

A Story of Flipped Learning (Part 4) – what students think

One of the biggest criticisms of digital technology is that it greatly increases the amount of time students sit in front of a screen (screen time) whether it be a computer, phone, other mobile device or game console.

Appreciating that Flipped Learning does rely on digital technology for its complete success, Jon Bergmann (one of the pioneers of Flipped Learning) decided to canvas students to understand what they thought about screen time by asking the question: How does Flipped Video affect your total amount of screen time?

Eighty – five percent of students surveyed, claimed that Flipped Videos added little or no time to their screen time. Of the 85%, 30% of students reported that Flipped Video screen time replaces other screen time, not adds to it. In short, Flipped Videos add quality educational content to a student’s screen time. That is huge!

Another exciting finding came as a result of asking students the question: How do Flipped Videos help you understand the class content? 

  • 68% said easier to much easier
  • 23% said about the same
  • 9% said harder to much harder.

The 9% of students claiming "harder to much harder" cannot be ignored. However the 68% of students claiming it made it "easier to much easier" for them is a truly amazing result according to Bergmann.

When it comes to time spent in the Flipped Learning model students reported two very significant things:

  • Flipped Videos are typically short, much shorter than the “lectures” they replace
  • Flipped Homework takes less time than traditional homework.

These findings about “time”, coupled with the finding that most students feel they learn better in a Flipped Classroom, is exactly the kind of thing we want to see in education according to Bergmann – less time, better outcomes.

For further information about what students think about Flipped Learning we recommend Jon Bergmann’s Solving the Homework Problem by Flipping the Learning (2017).

To find out more about Flipped Learning and its possibilities meet Jon Bergmann, in person @ FlipCon Australia at the Inaburra School in Sydney on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 October 2017. 

Here is a snapshot of the exciting program tracks on offer:

For more information about FlipCon Australia and to register go to: www.ereg.me/flipconaus

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